Company Purpose

Protium Power Systems, Inc. was founded in 2021 by Russell Case after encouragement from his professor and mentor at the University of Central Florida, Dr. Issa Batarseh, to address the need for advanced technology in the residential solar power industry.

Russell Case

Russell Case is the founder and CEO of Protium Power Systems, Inc. with over 35 years of experience in power electronics, analog electronics, and systems engineering.

Dr. Issa Batarseh

Dr. Issa Batarseh is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida and the Director of the Florida Power Electronics Center at UCF.

Our SmartPower™ microinverter combines the latest advances in multi-port, multi-level, SiC (Silicon Carbide) and GaN (Gallium Nitride) semiconductors to bring efficient, reliable, and scalable solar power to residential and commercial solar power installations. The technology is based on U.S. patent 11,692,983 licensed from UCF.

On top of that, through our partnership with Lithium Battery Engineering, Inc., we are deploying the world’s first non-flammable, high-temperature, lithium battery technology. This new battery allows us to safely deploy modular batteries as part of the rooftop installation. This is not self-extinguishing batteries that catch fire only to be doused with chemicals, but a truly revolutionary chemistry that is incapable of burning.

Finally, we have solved the time consuming and tedious custom installation. Now in about half a day the SmartPower™ system can be installed and operational, allowing you to start saving money in power bills just before lunch!

Company Values

Our customers are first. What other purpose is worthwhile? Our products were developed initially through customer needs and our products are constantly improved through the customer discovery process.

Integrity. The residential solar power industry has had some less-than-virtuous practices in the past. Thankfully that is changing, and we are at the forefront of that movement. We will not mislead anyone. If our technology is not a match for your needs, we will be the first to tell you. We will also demystify all the solar power misinformation – starting with this web site. Please visit the pages that describe plainly how you can determine whether solar power is for you.

Innovation. We are a group of engineers who thrive on innovation – being the coolest designers on the planet (and other planets if we could get there!).

Quality. With decades of experience in military-grade electronic systems, where lives literally depend direct on our work, we incorporate these principles in our products. It’s also part of the cool aspect!